Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Week 16 Spelling and Vocabulary

  1. confident
  2. confidence
  3. fragrant
  4. fragrance
  5. excellent
  6. excellence
  7. decent
  8. decency
  9. truant
  10. truancy
  11. brilliant
  12. brilliance
  13. resident
  14. residence
  15. evident
  16. evidence
  17. occupant
  18. occupancy
  19. reluctant
  20. reluctance
  1. majestic
  2. ruthless
  3. ancestral
  4. saga
  5. destiny
  6. recreational
  7. artistry
  8. unearthed
  9. forge
  10. embodied

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Scholastic Book Orders

Welcome! It's never been easier to discover the best books for your child. Shop the flyer online to find the best choices for your child's interests and reading level. Plus, each time you place an order online you earn rewards for our classroom! If you have questions regarding your child's reading level, please let me know!

These book orders will be due this Friday December 14th.