Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Simple Salt Dough

You can use this recipe for making a "clay" to build things on the inside of your pyramid.

1 cup salt
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup luke warm water

1. In a large bowl mix salt and flour.
2. Gradually stir in water. Mix well until it forms a doughy consistency.
3. With your hands form a ball with your dough and kneed it for at least 5 minutes. The longer you kneed your dough the smoother it will be.
Store your salt dough in a air tight container and you will be able to use it for days.
You can paint your creations with acrylic paints and seal with varnish or polyurethane spray.
You can let your salt dough creations air dry, however salt dough can also be dried in the oven. Bake at 200 F until your creation is dry. The amount of time needed to bake your creations depends on size and thickness; thin flat objects may only take 45-60 minutes, thicker creations can take 2-3 hours or more. You can increase your oven temperature to 350 F, your dough will dry faster but it may also brown, which won't matter if you are painting your entire creation (you can also cover your dough in the oven before it turns brown).
There are a few options to color your salt dough: 1. Add powdered tempera paint to your flour, 2. add food coloring or paint to the water before you mix it with the salt/flour, or 3. add natural coloring like instant coffee, cocoa, or curry powder.

Pyramid Progress Checklist

My Pyramid Project Progress
Have I…
Yes or No?
Collected all materials for building the outside of my pyramid? (4 pyramid walls)
10 points
Built a tomb room and a storage room inside my pyramid?
2 points- one for storage, one for tomb
Made five items to include on the inside of the pyramid that will be taken to the after-life?
5 points- one for each item
Made four canopic jars: each with the head of an animal?
8 points- one for each jar, one for each animal head
Built a trap or mode of protection on the inside of my pyramid to keep robbers away from my mummy and his/her possessions?
1 point
Created a mummy and a sarcophagus (casket)?
2 points- one for mummy, one for sarcophagus
Written hieroglyphs and pictures on the walls that state the Pharaoh’s name and/or message?
2 points- hieroglyphs, pictures
Made sure my pyramid base is no smaller than 8x8 inches..and no bigger than 12x12 inches?
1 point
Found a way so you can see the inside of my pyramid clearly?
1 point

Out of 32 points
32- 100%           26-81%              20-63%    14-44%    8-25%      
31-97%              25-78%              19-59%    13-41%    7-22%
30-94%              24-75%              18-56%    12-38%    6-19%
29-91%              23-72%              17-53%    11-34%    5-16%
28-88%              22-69%              16-50%    10-31%    4-13%
27-84%              21-66%              15-47%    9-28%       3-9%

Week 13 Spelling and Vocabulary

  1. circulate
  2. circulation
  3. conclude
  4. conclusion
  5. instruct
  6. instruction
  7. possess
  8. possession
  9. introduce
  10. introduction
  11. except
  12. exception
  13. discuss
  14. discussion
  15. collide
  16. collision
  17. oppose
  18. opposition
  19. estimate
  20. estimation
  1. sacrificied
  2. frigid
  3. equivalent
  4. participants
  5. durable
  6. expanse
  7. deduced
  8. affirmed
  9. culmination
  10. prime